(Computer science) 1ST YEAR First FOR This Years

 Chapter 1

What is the difference between hardware and software?

What is the usage of an input device? List a few of them.

Define the term information technology (IT).

What is application software?

Differentiate between data and information

What is light pen?

Define smart card?

How does touchpad work?

List different components of SDLC.

Why is the important of test a system before use

Write the name of the input device that can control the cursor movement?

Define track ball.

Define plotter.

Differentiate between bit and byte.

What is system? List different components of system.



What is the use of plotter? Name and explain its different kinds.

What is impact printer? Explain dot-matrix and line printer in detail.

Chapter 2

What is www?

Difference between FTP and HTTP.

What is intranet?

What is e-mail?

Distinguish between LAN and WAN.

Describe De Jure standard.

What is De Facto standard?

Enlist different layers of OSI model.

Write tow functions of network layer.

Write the functions of Physical layer of OSI model.


1.What is topology? Describe the types of topology.

2.Write at least eight differences between LAN and WAN.

3.Define network and explain its types in detail.

4.Discuss different network modes.


Chapter 3

List out different elements of data communication.

Define encoder and decoder.

Define digital signals.

Define analog signal.

What is Unicode?

Differentiate between serial and parallel transmission.

Define bandwidth.

Define broadband.

 Define modulation.

State the purpose of external modem.


What is data communication? Define the basic component of communication network.

What is guided media? Briefly describe different guided media.

Define unguided media? Explain any two unguided media.

Chapter 4

What is meant by computer simulation?

What is an ATM?

Define the CBT training.

Define the video conferencing.

How can the computer help in marketing?

Describe the importance of computers in our daily lives.

How computer can be used in departmental stores?

Name four applications of document management system.

Define reprographics.

What is electronic shopping?

Explain CAD.

Define monitoring system in hospital.

Write tow benefits of computer aided learning.

What is online education?

 How computer can be useful in weather forecasting?

Chapter 5

Describe computer architecture

What is CPU

Define memory

Why RAM is called random access memory?

Why RAM is called volatile memory?

Difference between DRA and SRAM

Define PROM

What is cache memory?

What are system buses?

List some general purpose of register

Define port

Difference between source and object code

What is compiler?

What is ROM?

Why ROM is called volatile memory?

Chapter 6

What is computer virus?

Define the anti-virus software.

How viruses may damage computer system?

What is a password?

Explain virus activation in computer.

Define pirated software.

How pirated software spread viruses?

How does virus spread through email?

What is logic bomb?

What is Redlof?

List some types of viruses.

Explain data security.

Why is data security important?

Who is a hacker?

Define software privacy.



Explain four different causes of vires spreading

Discuss different types of viruses

What is data security? Why it is important?

Briefly discuss different type of threat in data security

Chapter 7

Differentiate between multitasking and multiprocessing.

Describe GUI operating system.

Describe the purpose of control panel.

Define desktop.

List at least two events of mouse.

What is multitasking?

List different feature of windows 2000.

What is meant by primary partition?

What is file management?

Define print queue.

Chapter 8

What is word processor?

List any two uses of word processor.

What is text editor?

Define font in MS-Word.

What is clipboard?

Write shortcut keys for cut and copy.

How Undo and Redo commands are used?

What is character formatting?

What is text alignment?

Differentiate between font size and font style in MS-Word.

Write shortcut key to print a document.

Write one differentiate between line spacing and paragraph spacing.

Define title bar.

What is status bar?

List any four features of full-featured word processor

Chapter 9

Differentiate between word processor and spreadsheet.

Differentiate between active cell and passive cell.

List tow benefits of spreadsheet.

Define worksheet.

Differentiate between worksheet and workbook.

How formula is used in Excel?

List any four functions of MS-Excel.

What is formula?

What is meant by page orientation?

Chapter 10

How would you describe internet?

List any two negative impacts of internet on society.

What is website?

Define www.

Explain URL.

List name of five search engines.

What is E-mail?

What are advantages of E-mail?


What is difference between hardware and software?

Differentiate between data and information.

List some examples of pointing devices.

Give two uses of e-mail.

What is intranet?

Write two uses of bridge in a network.

Describe De Jure standard.

Differentiate between analog and digital signals.

Define modulation.

What is meant by computer simulation?

Define computer aided learning.

How computer can be useful in weather forecasting?

What is CPU?

Write the difference between primary memory and cache memory.

Why is ROM called non-volatile?

What is instruction format?

Differentiate between source code and object code.

Why is data security important?

Differentiate between multitasking and multiprocessing.

Give one difference between graphical user interface and command line interface.

List different feature of windows 2000.

List any two uses of word processor.

What is clipboard?

Define title bar.

List any four features of full-featured word processor.

List any four functions of MS-Excel.

 List name of five search engines.


What are input devices? Explain any three pointing input devices.

What is topology? Describe the types of topology.

What is guided media? Write in detail twisted pair and coaxial cable.

What is ROM? Discuss its different types.

Explain four different causes of vires spreading