Notes (BIOLOGY) 1ST YEAR For This Years

Written By: Ayesha Naqvi (lectaure  Biology)


CH # 1

(1) What is the hydroponic culture technique and pasteurization?

(2) Define Biological method and vaccination.

(3) Define the following branches: Ecology, histology, social biology, parasitology, Freshwater biology, Marine biology, biotechnologyMolecular biology, biogeography, Anatomy, embryology, morphology

NOTE: Prepare these definitions for short Questions and can also be used in long Questions.

(Branches of Biology)

(4) Characteristics of living organisms

(5) Tissue culture technique and cloning

(6) Define gene therapy , radiotherapy and chemotherapy

(7) Define hypothesis and Ways to formulate hypothesis

(8) Deductive and inductive reasoning with example.

(9) Define Theory , law and phylatic lineage

(10) Difference between deductive and inductive reasoning

(11) Difference between micro and macro molecule

(12) Difference between population and community

(13) Define integrated disease management?

(14) Define bioremediation and endangered species. Give an example.


CH # 2

(1) What are lipids and waxes ? Write its importance.

(2) Difference between catabolism and anabolism

(3) Formula of amino acid and define it.

(4) Difference between amylose and amylopectin

(5) Ionization and protective role of water

(6) What is peptide bond and glycoside bond?

(7) Define nucleoside and nucleotide.

(8) Sketch the structure of ATP and glycinealynine?

(9) Why lipids are considered high energy molecules as compared to carbohydrates.

(10) Define Purines and pyrimidines

(11) How fibrous protein differ from globular protein? (S. Q + L. Q )

(12) Define Heat capacity and heat of vaporization of water

(13) Define biochemistry and carbohydrates with general formula

(14) Write four functions of proteins (S. Q + L. Q )


CH # 3

(1) Explain the mechanism of enzyme action

(2) Define apoenzyme and holoenzyme.

(3) Define competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.

(4) Define prosthetic group, activator and co enzyme.

(5) What is co factor? Write its function.

(6) Write four characteristics of enzymes.

(7) Binding site and catalytic site

(8) What is active site and optimum pH?

(9) Lock and key model and induced fit model

(10) How temperature and pH affects the rate of enzyme action?

(11) What happens to enzyme structure when a substrate combines with it according to induced fit model

(12) What are inhibitors? Write difference between reversible and irreversible inhibitor


CH # 4

(1) Salient features of cell theory.

(2) Endocytosis and exocytosis and what is phagocytosis and pinocytosis?

(3) Functions of SER and RER

(4) Ribosome and write its function

(5) Polysome and autophagosome

(6) Give two functions of mitochondria , cytoplasm and vacuole.

(7) Similarities and differences in the structure and function of mitochondria and chloroplast

(8) Significance of vaccoule in plant cell

(9) Golgi apparatus and lysosomes functions (any 2)

(10) Difference between microtubules and microfilaments

(11) Cisternea and cristea

(12) Chromoplast and leucoplast

(13) Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

(14) What is storage and Tay-sach’s disease?

(15) What is cell fractionation and granna?


CH # 5

(1) Define species with example

(2) Why is HIV said to be host specific and What are the symptoms of AIDS?

(3) Rules of binomial nomenclature and also define it

(4) Obligate and intracellular parasite

(5) Characteristics of virus

(6) Polio and harpes simplex

(7) Write the classification of corn.

(8) Hepatitis and its prevention

(9) Define provirus and prophage.

(10) Lytic and lysogenic phage

(11) What you know about pox virus, Mumps and measles

(12) Reverse transcriptase and it function

(13) Define induction.

(14) Define capsid, capsomere , prion and viroids .

(15) Write the structure of HIV.


CH # 6

(1) Differentiate between slime and capsule.

(2) Postulates of germ theory of diseases

(3) Name the bacteria which are photosynthetic

(4) Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria

(5) What are lophotrichous, peritrichous and amphitrichous bacteria?

(6) What are pilli? Write their functions.

(7) Antiseptics and disinfectants

(8) Classification of bacteria on the basis of shapes (S. Q + L. Q )

(9) Photosynthetic and chemosynthetic bacteria

(10) Eubacteria and archieobacteria

(11) Mesosomes and its function

(12) Define spore , cyst and congugation.

(13) Lag and Log phase

(14) Define microbicidal and microbistatic effect?

(15) What are microaerophilic bacteria? Give an example.


CH # 7

(1) Distinguish characters of kingdom protista

(2) Two characters of Giant amoeba and cilliates

(3) How will you compare fugus like protists with fungi?

(4) Micronuclei and macronucleus in ciliates

(5) Evolutionary significance of chanoflagllates and EUGLENOIDS

(6) How ciliates differ from protozoan’s

(7) Note on green algae and brown algae

(8) What are diatoms? Give their importance.

(9) Trypanosoma and Kelps

(10) Write characteristics of apicomplaxans

(11) How algae different from plant?

(12) Why eugleonids are placed in algae as well as in protozoa?

(13) Chlorella give its role

(14) Importance of algae and red algea

(15) What is pellicle and thallus?

(16) Slime mold/ mycomycota , Water molds and oomycetes

(17) Why green algae are called ancestors of plants?

(18) Role of phytophthora infestans in human body


CH # 8

(1) Name diseases caused by fungi in plants and animals and Name any four antibiotics obtained

from fungi. .

(2) Define thallus and prothallus

(3) Types of parasites

(4) Plasmogamy and karyogamy

(5) Ruts and smuts

(6) How budding differ from fragmentation?

(7) Define yeast and Importance of yeast

(8) Histoplasmosis and Ergotism ? How it is caused?

(9) What is aflatoxin and lichens?

(10) Define hyphae and mycelium.

(11) Write two differences between conidia and spores.

(12) Define septate and non septate hyphae.

(13) Define parasexuality and nuclear mitosis.

(14) What is mycorrhizae and define ecto and endo mycorrhizae.

(15) Why basidiomyctes are called club fungi?

(16) Bioindicators and reindeer moss?


CH # 9

(1) Why bryophytes are called amphibious plants?

(2) What is bryophytes? Give its characteristics .

(3) What is arytherophytes? Give example.

(4) Reticulate leaf venation / circinate venation

(5) Microphylls and megaphylls leaves

(6) Phylogenetic system of classification

(7) Define paraphyses , ovule and fronds?

(8) Difference between monocot and dicot ? (S. Q + L. Q )

(9) Overtopping, planation and webbing

(10) What is flower? What is essential and non essential parts of flower?

(11) Differentiate between micro gametophyte and mega gametophyte

(12) Difference BETWEEN gymnosperm and angiosperm

(13) Differentiate between homospory and heterospory and give examples.

(14) Name the classes of divisions Bryophyta and Tracheophyta.

(15) Alternation of generation and double fertilization


CH # 10

(1) Spiral and radial cleavage

(2) Radial and bilateral symmetry

(3) Importance of sponges and coral reefs

(4) Spicules and gammules and cindocytes

(5) Coelom and hermaphrodite animals

(6) Differentiate between polyp and medusa.

(7) Compare infestation with disinfestations.

(8) Diploblastic and triploblastic animals

(9) Write two parasitic adaptations in falt worms.

(10) Metamorphosis and nymph

(11) Harmful and beneficial effects of insects

(12) Mantle and radulla

(13) Protandrus animals and syrinx

(14) Ostia and osculum

(15) Give affinities of echinodermate with hemichordates

(16) Economic importance of shark


CH # 11

(1) Difference between photosynthesis and respiration

(2) Difference between chlorophyll a and b and Photo system 1 and 2

(3) DEFINE BIOENERGATICS and compensation point

(4) Define pigments , photosynthetic and accessory pigments

(5) Define Chemiosmosis and photolysis of water

(6) Use of spectrophotometer

(7) What is Z scheme and Glycolysis ?

(8) Why Calvin cycle is called C3 cycle?

(9) Rubisco and it function

(10) Photophophorylation and oxidative phosphorylation

(11) What is the site of occurrence of glycolysis, Krebcyc;e and ETC?

(12) Differentiate between absorption spectrum and action spectrum.

(13) Distinguish Alcoholic fermentation from lactic acid fermentation.

(14) Define external and cellular respiration.

(15) What are cytochromes and photosystems? Give two examples.


CH # 12

(1) Digestion, ingestion , Adsorption and assimilation

(2) Fluid feeder and filter feeder

(3) Saliva and its composition

(4) Symbiotic nutrition with example

(5) Nutrition and nutrient

(6) Peristalsis and antiparistalsis

(7) Hungarpangs and heart burn or pyrosis.

(8) Name the pair of salivary glands with their location and Three kind of cells present is gastric juice

(9) Bolus and chyme

(10) Functions of large intestines and Side effects of obesity

(11) What is appendicitis and jaundice?

(12) What is villi and its function

(13) Diarrhea and constipation compare

(14) Symptoms of dyspepsia and food poisoning

(15) What is botulism? Give it cause.

(16) What is emulsification and chlorosis?


CH # 13

(1) Breathing and respiration

(2) Advantage of gas exchange in air environment

(3) Properties of respiratory surface

(4) Asthma and Symptoms of asthma

(5) Larynx or voice box and alveoli with its function

(6) Bronchi and bronchioles

(7) How body of earthworm kept moist?

(8) Pulmonary and cutaneous respiration

(9) What is diving reflex and parabronchi?

(10) How temp affects the oxygen carrying capacity of heamoglobin?

(11) How organism respiration different from cellular respiration?

(12) Why air is better respiratory medium than water?

(13) Glottis and epiglottis

(14) What is diaphragm and pleura?

(15) Inspiration and expiration

(16) Effect of ph on capacity of hemoglobin?


CH # 14

(1) Discriminate apoplast pathway from symplast pathway.

(2) How facilitated diffusion differ from that of active transport?

(3) What is imbibitions and root pressure.

(4) Cell mediated and hormonal response

(5) ECG and pacemaker

(6) Blood platelets and its function

(7) Bleeding, imbibitions and guttation

(8) Define stroke , myocardial infraction, hypertension and hemorrhage.

(9) Define thrombus and embolus.

(10) Write four functions of lymphatic system. ( S. Q + L. Q )

(11) What are natural and artificial pacemakers? What is their role?

(12) Define open and closed circulatory system?

(13) Differentiate between active and passive immunity. ( S. Q + L. Q )

(14) What do you know about cardiac cycle and blue babies?

(15) Write four differences between arteries and veins. ( S. Q + L. Q )



Write a detailed note on the steps of biological methods.

How biology has help mankind in food production

Write a note on cloning

Write comprehensive note on biology in the service of mankind / Health and disease control

Write a note on protection and conservation of environment (V. V. V IMP)



Write a detailed note on importance of water.

Detail Note on structure of proteins (Primary , secondary , tertiary and quaternary)

Define protein. Describe its various types.

Write a note on Acylglycerol.

Discus different types of RNA.



Give an account on plastids in plant cells.

Describe structure and functions of Golgi apparatus.

Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

Write a note on Lysosomes (V. V. V IMP)

What are peroxisome and glyoxoxisome? Give its functions.

What are cytoskeletons? Describe various types and their functions.

Explain the importance of mitochondria in detail. (V.IMP)



Write a note on lifecycle of HIV.

Write a detail note on hepatitis and its types.

Explain life cycle of bacteriophage with diagram.

Discuss five kingdom system of classification.

What is virus? Give their structure and functions.



Write a detailed note on nutrition in bacteria.

Explain Growth & Reproduction in bacteria.

Use and misuse of antibiotics

Write a Note on cynobacteria

Describe physical and chemical methods to control bacteria.



Write about sexual and asexual reproduction in fungi.

Discuss briefly about nutrition in fungi.

Write a note on ascomycota and basidiomycota

Write economic gains and economic losses due to fungi.

Draw life cycle of Rhizopus.

Write a note on land adaptations of fungi.



Briefly describe the evolution of seed habit.

Write a short note on life cycle of an angiosperm plant.

Discuss in detail the evolution of leaf.

Adaptation of bryophytes to land habitat

Lifecycle of adiantum

Economic importance of family poacea and rosacea.

Explain alternation of generation with its significance



Explain Calvin cycle with the help of diagram as it occurs in photosynthesis.

Describe water as important reactants of photosynthesis

Explain Glycolysis in detail.

Draw Krebs’s Cycle.

Discuss various steps involved in cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation process with diagram.



Describe the role of oral cavity in digestion.

Digestion in hydra and cockroach

Give the role of large intestine in human beings.

Write a note on any two disease related to nutrition.

Discuss digestion and absorption in small intestine.

Describe digestion in Stomach. (V.IMP)



Write a detailed note on Immunity.

Write a note on cardiac cycle

What is plasma? Describe it various components.

Types of transpiration and Explain the factors affecting the rate of transpiration

Explain the opening and closing of stomata through different hypothesis

Describe various functions of blood.

Transpiration is a necessary evil. Comment on this statement.


For Short Questions Mainly Focus on CH # 7, 10 & 13 Because Each CH Consider 4

Questions While CH # 3 and 12 Consider 3 Questions Each.

Bold Questions Above are Most Important.